Friday, September 14, 2012

In The Demon's Head: A Change In The Air

In The Demon's Head #60: A Change In The Air
September 14, 2012

Hello everyone on this rather chilly and rainy Friday afternoon, (at least where I'm at this is the case) and welcome back to the Friday General Update and edition number 60 of In The Demon's Head. As I'm sure you've read in a few places over the last week or so I've been promoting this very special post because I feel that it's going to be a big deal in the end.

First off I'd like to explain why the upcoming changes will occur. As I was posting things on blogger I started tracking both my reads, and my followers and subscribers. In the beginning all three of these stats climbed at a rather nice rate before leveling out a little over a month ago. I began to think of how I could improve these stats once again.

Then about a week ago I came up with an idea and since then I've come up with two more, all three of theme will affect the blog, the topics that are covered, and the overall feel of it, however it will remain writer and reader oriented. Let me explain the three changes.

Change 1: The Tuesday Posts

Of the 60 editions of In The Demon's Head, I've spent a little over half of them trying to teach people things. While there is a time and place and types of blogs for this I'm beginning to believe that In The Demon's Head is not that type of blog, while I would still like to do the occasional blogging series like I've done in the past starting this Tuesday and every Tuesday thereafter you will be seeing a new type of post. I'm going to be taking subjects in the writing world and talking about them and give you my thoughts and opinions on issues that are hot in the world of writing. I'm currently a member of a group on Google Plus that provides a lot of topics so finding them shouldn't be a problem. I may occasionally do some sort of post about the teaching side of writing but those will become few and far between.

Change 2: A Possible Third Post A Week

Now I say possible because this one really varies based on public response. I want to start having a guest post, one a week, and these can be anything that the guest poster wants it to be about. It can be a writing lesson, a review of some sort, even a piece of writing it's going to be something that the poster wants my audience to know or read. There are two reasons I really want to start pushing this, 1. Because it gives a new audience to aspiring writers. And 2. It gives more backlinks for this blog as well as my guest bloggers. I believe that this is going to be a huge boost to not only this blog but to anyone who would like to be a part of the guest blogging service, and this is open to anyone. If you want to be a part send me a short summary of whatever you want the post to be about to me via email here. If I like it and it fits (and it most likely will fit no problem) then I'll send you back an email telling you to send me the piece I'll read over it and send you back a date that it will be used.

Now I'm sure that this may take a bit to get off the ground so for a while it may be a hit and miss thing but I do believe that once it gets some attention we'll have great post week after week from some very very talented writers.

Change 3: More Interaction

One thing that I aimed for when I started this blog was to have a great interaction with my readers. For the longest time I didn't do anything about that then I started asking questions hit or miss and eventually it fell back off the map and I stopped doing it entirely. While I'll be the first to admit that this was my fault and was poor planning on my part it still aggravates me. So here's how it will work moving forward...

I will ask something every single Tuesday and I want you to weigh in, not sure what the questions will be yet and they may not even tie into the post but every Tuesday at the end of the post there will be a question that I would love your input on.

However, I'd like to make this far more then a one way street. I'd love for you to send me questions via email here. They can be about anything from my writing, to my opinion on something, or they can even be questions for one of my guest posters and I'll make sure to get their answers so you'll know them. I'm out to turn this blog into a talking point for a lot of writers and readers alike. But I can't do it alone and that's why these new changes will be going into place.

Also in conjunction with the blog post questions, I may start asking questions of my fans and likes on my Facebook page. This is on another level to stir conversation and get people talking. So by all means get the questions coming.

I hope that these changes will help push this blog and it's readers to a new level and I'm very excited about the upcoming weeks. Until the next time you want to take a trip through the gates of hell and into the demon's head, I'm Kyle Robinson wishing you a safe trip back to the surface.

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