Tuesday, May 8, 2012

In The Demons' Head: The Idea Generator

The Generator of the Mind is the Best One available.

In The Demons' Head #20: The Idea Generator
May 8, 2012

Hello Everyone and welcome to a very special Issue #20 of In The Demons' Head. I've decided that the numbers will no longer go into the main title on blogspot.com just because eventually they will take up to much room so I thought that I'd stop now just made more sense that way. Either way onto today's topic, The Brain.

I know this may seem like a vague topic but more specifically where do the ideas that we as writers generate come from. Where do the worlds and the people that populate so much of our thoughts and time all come from.

As I write this I still don't really know how to sum things up into words so I guess I'm going to have to just give it a shot as I go.

When I wrote “Ideas” into the calendar of possible topics for “In The Demons' Head” even then I didn't know what I meant but as I thought more about it I realized that I wanted to talk about where some of my ideas came from.

The reason this is such a profound thing for me, as I'm sure it is with most of you, my ideas seem to breed out of nowhere. Case in point we were driving through the small town we live in and I saw Railroad tracks that had never caught my eye before then, like that the idea for my short story “7th Circle Railway” Came to pass.

The same can be said for the latest poem I added to the collection “The Watchtower” or even the newly named “2100 Maple Street” both of these pieces seemed to come out of left field, in fact the latter one came to me in a dream and haunted me for 2 days before I started writing.

I know for some the hardest part of the writing process is to just find an idea that you understand and identify with enough for you to want to write them and I think that's the biggest thing for most people. I've read in a number of books that you need to write what you know and what you feel you can tell and I believe that's the truth.

I write stories of supernatural origin because that's my comfort zone, it's something I've grown up reading and loving and learning about in all forms and I feel that it's something that I can write not only comfortably but well.

I think the idea process all comes down to two things; your mindset, and your surroundings. I think that you can find a story, poem, song, whatever it may be almost anywhere you look, all you have to do is LOOK. It's a little harder to see some more then others but I believe that once you refine your looking glass you will be able to find the stories that you need to tell in almost all corners of the real world that you now live in. 

I would like to know where your ideas come from, let me know by commenting below I'd love to hear some of your stories. 

Well that about does it for me this time around, join me again this Friday for another issue of In The Demons' Head, and until the next time you want to take a trip through the gates of hell and into the demons' head, I'm Kyle Robinson wishing you a safe trip back to the surface.

PS. I'd like to remind you first, that you can send me any questions by clicking here; and second, you can sign up to have In The Demons' Head delivered directly to your email by filling in your email above.

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