Friday, March 30, 2012

In The Demon's Head #7

In The Demon's Head #7

March 23, 2012

Hello and welcome again everyone to In The Demon's Head. I understand that this is a bit late and for that I will apologize but as you've noticed most of my status updates, these notes, and everything will start coming later just because I've readjusted to an overnight schedule because my girlfriend got a job working overnights so I'm trying to stick to that with her... DAMN IS IT HARD.

Onto this week's issue. I've got a few things to cover so why don't we get started.

First off, I'd like to thank the newest likes to the page. Thank you for your support and I hope you like what you've read so far. Feel free to leave any comments or feedback in the comments section of each note. Also, if you have any questions you can drop me a message, they can range from anything about upcoming projects, writing as an art, or anything like that just let them fly.

Also, this past week I decided I would start advertising. So far I've gotten 8 new hits off it in just 2 days so I'm very excited about that. Hopefully even more flock to the party. I want to thank you guys for liking it as I did above and remind everyone once we hit 50 I will release another story for your enjoyment.

Also, This past week I started a new thing of sorts. Everyday I've been posting 6 lines that are added to the note “More Then Memories” this is an ongoing poem that I'm putting together in an episodic form. It's an idea that Ms. Liz Butler gave me and so far I'm liking the results. If you've been reading it THANKS... leave comments, or even future predictions on what twist you think will come next.

Finally, This week I've started a new story that will be added to the collection I'm working on (Also called More Then Memories) the new story is called “The 7th Circle Railway” I'm not horribly far in it yet but hopefully once it's done it's yet another project that I can be more then proud of.

Well that about does it for this week. If you use twitter be sure to follow me on there @krobwritings and until next time you decide to take a trip through the gates of hell and into the Demon's Head. I'm Kyle Robinson wishing you a safe trip back to the surface.

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