Monday, April 15, 2013

The Visitor

In The Demon’s Head #99: The Visitor

April 15, 2013
Hello everyone. It’s Monday which means that it’s back to work for most of us. Today actually kicks off a massive week for me here as I have 4 new blog post that will be hitting the stands starting with this one. Tomorrow marks the special 100th edition of “In The Demon’s Head”. As I sit down to write it though I can honestly say that it’s something special to me almost a year and a half in the making. However, #100 is tomorrow, today is #99 and with it another new piece. Let’s take a look at the picture.

The Visitor

They sent me on the quest,
To discover my heritage,
To discover who I was,
And where I came from,
Originally I must admit,
The idea was one that I didn’t like,
But I thought that it could help,
So I agreed,
I didn’t want to admit that I was scared,
Or that I needed help,
So I went with whatever they offered,
And this was what they came up with,
They said that it would help me,
Discover myself,
That it would,
Offer me peace,
That it would give me a chance to learn about myself,
For me it was just a chance,
To get the hell away,
So I took it,
But on the first night alone,
Inside I felt different,
Like someone had filled a special part of me,
The second day,
I wondered,
In search of food,
And found some berries,
That were hidden,
Behind a canopy of trees,
The second night,
Was when the world,
Began to get fuzzy,
I looked up at the moon,
And I saw a man,
Leaning on a stick,
He stared at me,
With brilliant blue eyes,
His face blank,
Almost as if asking,
What it was that I was doing,
I leaned up,
Staring back,
Unable to blink,
Or move,
It was then,
That he spoke to me,
He spoke long,
And fast,
About what it was like to be,
In my shoes,
I didn’t know what to think,
He was able to understand me,
To know what I had been through,
And finally,
He ended,
By telling me that,
He’d watch over me,
Like my guardian angel,
I can’t explain it,
But I felt the life,
Begin to drain away,
And suddenly I’m awake again,
This time in a hospital bed,
I feel the pain burning in my arms,
And I notice that,
I’m full of IV’s.
“He’s coming around.”
I slowly realize,
That what has happened,
Is that I’ve ODed
It’s not the first time that I’ve done that,
But as I come too,
My dad,
Grabs me and tells me,
That my grandpa had passed away,
I could feel the understanding,
The man who was out,
To tell me that life,
Could be better,
Was the man who had watched out for me,
My entire life,
It was a bitter pill to swallow,
But I knew that he would watch from heaven,
And one day I would make him proud,

About The Piece

This piece turned out to be a lot more then I had originally intended for it. I wasn’t really sure of what direction to go when I first saw the picture. I can say that I’m happy with the finished product and I hope that you guys like it as well. I’d love your feedback on either the picture or the piece so feel free to share it in the comments section.

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Also you can subscribe to the blog by putting your email in the top right hand corner. Finally there is a donate button should you feel the urge to donate to my cause. I will be back tomorrow with the 100th edition of “In The Demon’s Head” which will be pretty packed so look for that Tuesday Morning. Until the next time you want to take a trip through the gates of hell and into the demon’s head. I’m Kyle Robinson wishing you a safe trip back to the surface. 

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